Best Tips To Improve Your Networking Skills


Networking is all about interacting with people to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. Clearly, it is everything in the business world. From gaining job opportunities to bringing in business for your company, networking is the key to success.


Jumia Travel shares tips for networking like a pro.


Have your business cards with you all the time You do not know whom you might meet on your itinerary, it is therefore important for you to have your business cards with you all the time. You never know when you’re going to need your business cards.

Brag about your accomplishments

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with bragging about your accomplishments or your company to get people interested. However, do not overdo it so that you won’t appear arrogant.


Use social media

You should be on all of the major social media platforms, and you should use them often. Network with everyone in your industry that you can, and post frequently so that you stay on everyone’s minds.


Network with everyone

There is no need to discriminate when you network. So, endeavour to network with everyone and do not forget to be friendly. This will make everyone remember for good reasons.


Attend Events

You can’t network if you’re stuck in the house or the office. Attend industry and community events so that you can meet people.


Make plans

When you hand over your business card, ensure that it results in something concrete. Tell the person to call you on a particular date or you can tell them to expect your call. And ensure you call.


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