Eulogies as Platforms school offers free medical test, drugs for 320 people

  • .School fetes hundreds of Muslims, non-Muslims at second Ramadan program

Akindele Kayode

The Platforms Montessori School (Facebook: @ThePMSOta), Ota, has surged its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as it offered free medical test and drugs to 320 Muslims and non-Muslims in its catchment areas of Ado-Odo/Ota local government area of Ogun State.

The act, which attracted eulogies from beneficiaries and other stakeholders, was a part of the second annual Ramadan Program of the school, where hundreds of fasting Muslims and other participants were also given free Iftar (food).

Chief Imaam, Daarul Istiqaama Fil Kitaabu Wa Sunnah, Sheikh Abdul Waheed Eleha, who delivered the first lecture, stated that the spate of killing, kidnapping and other vices in Nigeria is a result of failure on the part of religious and political leadership in the country.

He maintained that the religious leaders have abandoned the divine duty of calling people to righteousness.

The political leaders too, he said, have little or no mercy for those who they govern.

There is little or no difference anymore between religious and political leaders. The two groups have failed the people in assisting them to get favours, which God wants for them.


“While some political leaders have taken their heartlessness to a new height, the religious leaders who are supposed to bring succor to people also confuse them that prosperity is a sign of righteousness. Hence, people tend to do anything to get rich quick,” he said.

Tasking people to put their absolute Trust in Allah alone, the cleric maintained that only this could save them from disappointment inherent in putting trust in human being.

Pouring eulogies on management of PMS, Sheikh Eleha called on other schools to emulate the feat recorded by the school in providing free medical test and drugs to Muslims and non-Muslims as well as free food to fasting Muslims during the month of Ramadan.

Proprietress of the school, Hajjia Fateemah Adeola-Yusuf, noted that the school – known for its academic standard across the Ota axis – stands higher far above its peers in instilling morals and practical life training in pupils.

“Allah, Subhanahu Wataala, used us (The Platforms Montessori School’s – PMS – second Annual Ramadan Program) to cater for over 320 Muslims and non-Muslims. We are overwhelmed,” she said.

“We pray onto Him, Aaza Wa-Jaala, to cleanse our intention, which is basically for Him alone, and to accept this effort as an act of Worship from us. Aamin.

One of the beneficiaries of the free medical test during the Platforms Montessori School’s second Ramadan program
One of the beneficiaries of the free medical test during the Platforms Montessori School’s second Ramadan program

“We also express profound gratitude to our esteemed parents, diligent teachers, lovely pupils, guardians and stakeholders for being useful parts of the successful story.

“Through your efforts and ours, well over 320 fasting Muslims were offered free Iftar; hundreds of Muslims and non-Muslim received free medical test and Drugs; as well as spiritual diet (lecture) on TAWAKUL – Absolute Trust (in ALLAH) by A-Sheikh Al-Imaam Abdul Waheed Eleha.

“The feedback we got over these and others, which include health talks by Dr. AKIN from British Standard Hospital, is overwhelming. And we say, TO ALLAH, ALONE, BE ALL THE GLORY! Alhamdullilah waShukran Jameelan,” she said.


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