Things To Do If You Lose Access To Your Money While Travelling

It is not advisable to travel without proper planning. This is because there are endless places where you can go and be safe as you explore, but to go and hope for the best is not good enough. You need a plan for things such as medical care, money problems and bank trouble.
When travelling, you may encounter issues accessing money. Some of these could be your ATM card not working, a machine eating your card, you losing your card, and someone stealing your wallet with your card in it. The good news here is that you can do some things to minimise the impact of losing access to money.
Jumia Travel shares some of the things you can do if you lose access to your money while travelling.

Have many money backup plans
Online banking means you can move money around very easily. It means you can put a bit of money on your debit card and also put money on another bank’s debit card. You can also move your money to online accounts as well. If one card is lost, get online and transfer your money to a safe or usable account.

Carry some cash with you

One of the ultimate rules of trvavelling abroad is to make sure you have at least some cash on you when you travel. You never know what the situation will be when you arrive at your destination. Perhaps your bank cards won’t work with the local ATM’s, or your bank freezes your account when you try accessing an ATM withdraw, or you lose your wallet.

Contact your bank if you lose access to your card

If your card has been lost, stolen, swallowed by an ATM, or is not working, then tell your bank right away. They help reduce your losses if any fraud occurs with your missing card, and they may also be able to advise you on how to regain access to your funds again.
Western Union is your friend
If you are travelling abroad and you are stranded, one of the best ways to bounce back is to reach out to your friends and family to wire money to you via Western Union. You can easily withdraw the money at any bank of your choice. This is the best way you can get some emergency cash.


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