The voice of the Lord to all women is that they should stop the use of weave-on or attachment in any form as it is a satanic instrument mainly produced to destroy the life of men.
The lord is saying, after circulating this warning worldwide, that whosever continue to do so will face His judgment and wrath which will be devastating more than that of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:12-17) Likewise, the judgment for disobedience will be like the flood in the time of Noah (Genesis 7:1-23)
I beseech you therefore, all living soul in the name of the Lord, be obedient to the voice of the lord according to his will (Isaiah 1:19-20) (Colossian 3:1-10). As you obey this clarion warning, the lord will count you worthy of his external kingdom.
I have been disobedient to this same warning once in the past and lost a child as a consequence of my disobedience.
Take heed and obey before it is too late.