10 Skills That Are Very Useful To Know Today


Technological advancement has made life in the 21st century both fun and challenging. It is fun for the millennial who moves along with technological tides, while it is challenging for those who decide to remain stagnant. Generally, there are four currencies in the 21st century that will make life easy when you have any of them. These currencies are; ideas, information, relationship and skills.

However, our focus on this article will be on one of the currencies of the 21st century – skills.

Below is a list of very useful skills:

#1 Photoshop 

Photoshop is one of the skills that are super useful to know in the 21st century. Irrespective of your role in an organization, there will always be the need to resize image or put together graphics, this is when knowledge of this skill becomes necessary.

So, try to learn the basics of Photoshop. Fortunately, learning a skill is very easy in the 21st century. You can easily learn it on YouTube and become an expert in no time.

#2 Microsoft Excel 

Microsoft Excel is a software that most people use in the office on daily basis. This is due to the fact that most jobs in present day organization are data driven.

Unfortunately, most people use only the most minimal functions of excel. They don’t know how to unleash the full power of the tool. If you take sometime to learn excel, you will be more productive at work.

#3 Project Management 
Project management is also among the skills that are super useful to know in the 21st century. Most projects fail because people think project management is an innate skill and they end up managing project without having the requisite knowledge.

So, try to learn the basics of project management like; how to carry everybody along, how to hold people accountable etc. Project management skill will make you to be more effective on your job.

#4 Presentation 
Presentation is another useful skill to know but some people believe that it is all about reading a slide. It goes beyond this as you have to master the art of presentation to be able carry your audience along.

Well, check How to Start a Presentation That Will Capture Your Audience for better understanding of presentation.

#5 Microsoft Power point 
Power Point and Presentation skills go hand in hand. Your Power Point skill will always complement your presentation.

With a perfect understanding of power point, you will be able to create great slides.

#6 Coding 
Coding is also among the top skills that are useful to know in the 21st century. According to Stephen Hawking, “Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn”.

#7 Digital Marketing 
Digital Marketing is another great skill that applies in several functions in an organization. Understanding basic website design, SEO, social media optimization, sales copy contents etc. will make you a solution provider.

#8 Writing 
Writing is among the top skills that are super useful in the 21st century. In our various offices, we are sometimes required to write email, reports, draw up contracts and other form of writing.

When you take time to develop your writing skill, you will become a valuable member of your team.

#9 Networking 
Another great skill to learn is networking. Networking is good for your career and will lead to more opportunities and stronger relationship.

#10 Sales 
Finally, Sales is a skill every professional should learn. Even if you are not performing sales role, you should at least know how to sell yourself.

There may be time in your career when you will need this skill to push forward. So, understanding the basics of selling will help you in your career.

These are the 10 skills that are super useful to know in the 21st century. Learn them and become a solution provider.

– as shared by 24 Hours Reporter


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