I Was Lured to Join Gay Club in Lagos With US Visa – Man Nabbed During Initiation

Sunday John, a 24-year-old man, yesterday told police in Lagos that he was lured into a gay club with a promise that he would get the United States (U.S.) visa easily after being initiated as a member.

John said his friend, who was already a member of the club, told him that being a member would give him the opportunity to travel to the U.S.

He said: “Because I wanted to travel to America, I decided to join the group. It was in the process of initiation that policemen stormed the event centre where we converged and arrested some of us.

“But others escaped when police stormed the venue. I did not know this is how it is going to be. I was deceived that we have a lot of benefits being members of the gay group. Now that I have been arrested, I don’t know how my parents would react.

“I only wanted to travel to America to change the fortune of my parents. I regret my action.”


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