Crazy Bills: Consumers ask to be disconnected


Just to avoid paying ‘crazy bills’ till eternity, some aggrieved consumers living at Bayomo Close, Off Agbado Road, near Iju-Ishaga Round-About, have asked Ikeja Electric, IE, to disconnect them.

One of them living in four bedroom family mud house, occupied by poor, old people, exclusively told that “the only thing attractive in the house is a one-room shop I built, where I am doing money business.

“There is no air-conditioner, only fans and computers. But because IE workers who also come here to lodge or withdraw money, noticed that I have begun to make much money because of many customers, Ikeja Electric began to bill me N14,000 on the average every month.”

The aggrieved businesswoman said that initially she was billed between N5,000 and N7,000. “But immediately, my clientele increased, my bill turned ‘crazy. I begged IE to show mercy and bill me according to what is fair. As they remained adamant I asked to be disconnected..

“And that was carried out immediately. I now run my business with generating set. Though I buy fuel every day, I have no regrets.”

“But the questions bothering me are: Is IE now doing discriminatory pricing of electricity consumption? And can a consumer sue it? ”

Another building nearby is a church on the same close. They had been paying outrageous bills for years with upward billing every time. They also asked to be disconnected. They now use generating set on every church service day.

Yet another complainant against IE is a man living in a four flat house in Bajomo Close. The landlord, occupying two flats upstairs, stays in London. He comes twice a year for two weeks respectively and when out of the country, his flats consume no electricity at all. But his estimated monthly bills have accumulated and now above N300,000.

IE had disconnected the man few months back, but it is insisting the landlord must clear the outstanding debt before he can be reconnected.

One of the flats was unoccupied for two years and more than N73,000 was the outstanding bill.

Not knowing the procedure as required by IE for new tenants, this complainant moved in without informing IE. And when he moved in his flat then was was under disconnection and was reconnected by IE. But the same IE has insisted he must pay the outstanding bill.

Do you know that if you are disconnected for weeks, IE does not subtract the period under disconnection from your bill.

But gathered that formerly National Electric Power Authority used to have ‘doubtful and bad debts’ accounting system. And this is accepted all over the world.

The man noted: “If the outstanding was actually consumed by someone, then IE’s claim could be justifiable, but now they want to get paid for no electricity supplied, the aggrieved man told

He also complained that in his flat, there are only a small fridge, five ceiling fans, electric iron and a television set and every month he is bill N7,000 – 10,000.

And sadly for the man, he is retired and has heavy health bill every month.

He said he even revealed his pitiable state to IE marketers. ‘But hey are impassive and hard-hearted,” he said.

He also revealed intention to “I have made my investigation about suing IE for forcing me to pay for electricity not consumed in my flat before I moved in.

“IE was disconnecting me every time because of that outstanding bill. Now they had given me a schedule of paying N9,000 every month in addition to my monthly estimated bill.

“I feel really aggrieved that I want to sue IE.”


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