DStv and WWE® Celebrate Smackdown’s 20th Anniversary with a Move to a Broadcast Timeslot



WWE’s flagship programme SmackDown will celebrate its 20th anniversary with a move to a new day and time beginning at 01:00am WAT on Saturday 5 October, on SuperSport 4 (DStv channel 204).

WWE Superstars past and present will be on hand to celebrate the occasion including Kurt Angle, Lita, Mick Foley, Booker T, Hulk Hogan, Trish Stratus, Goldberg, Jerry Lawler, Mark Henry, Ric Flair and Sting.

Beginning with its 20th anniversary celebration on October 5, SmackDown Live will become Friday Night SmackDown and air on SS4 52 weeks a year captivating fans with a unique combination of edge-of-your-seat action, unpredictable drama and world-class athleticism.

On air since 1999, SmackDown is the second-longest running weekly episodic television show in US primetime history, only behind Monday Night RawSmackDown has aired more original episodes than some of the most popular television series of all time, including The SimpsonsGunsmokeLassie and Monday Night Football.

In its 20-year history, SmackDown has also helped launch the careers of pop-culture icons including Dwayne “The Rock®” Johnson, John Cena®, Triple H®, “Stone Cold®” Steve Austin® and The Bella Twins™.

Visit the online TV Guide on www.dstv.com as well as the SuperSport schedule on www.supersport.com  for more information. Sign up to DStv today to join in and be part of this exciting WWE Action!


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