Gbenga Eyiolawi, Frank Donga, Sola Adesakin, Uti Nwachukwu, Lanre Messan, Abiola Champ, and others plunge into success as Pat Obilor convenes the ‘Standout Enterprise festival 2021


What a time to be alive! It’s a whole new world of global opportunities and Innovative ideas that inspires us to birth legacies and live our best lives. NOW! Are you properly harnessing those opportunities around you? Are you tapping into your potentials, or are you being held back from success? Do you have Money problems, Health issues? Or fear syndrome? Or maybe you don’t know how to execute those dreams of yours!

Whatever it is, it is time to give up your burdens and push for the best. It is time to revamp your life and plunge into your purpose to become an indispensable “Go to Person” in your industry. To achieve this, inspite of your years of work and relevance, there are secrets you may not experience until it is revealed to you.

At the 2021 edition of Standout Enterprise Summit, we have leaders who are ready to reveal what they know so that you can become who you are destined to be, urgently.
The Theme for Standout Enterprise festival and leadership Summit 2021 is ‘Push’ because we want you to push for better until your desired Success Happens and our foray of amazing speakers are going to plunge you on. They are the kind of resource you need in this innovative, progressive and digital futuristic era.

Currently, one of the major skills of the future, is Data science and analytics which most Fortune 500 companies now require of their employees so we start off with the UK based Charles Iduh- (CEO, CYI Consultancy & Data Analyst) who will expose us to the future or work, Date Analytics and Business intelligence, while David Lanre Messan (CEO, First Founders & Tech Entrepreneur) will switch things up with his topic on Digital Entrepreneurship and the opportunities that abounds in the Tech space.
As you learn from Techy guys, the showbiz greats Uti Nwachukwu @siruti, a Media Personality, will take us through the Pros and Cons of the Creative industry and how you can stand out as a Media personality. In the same vein, Ace comedian and creative Entrepreneur, Kunle Idowu @frankdonga will also cover salient thoughts on entertainment and content creation.
The CEO of Champ City and the emotional intelligence crooner, Abiola Champ Salami will have a mind revamping session with us focusing on our Emotional wellbeing and how we can leverage on relationships using emotional intelligence.

Now let’s talk about money, we know it is always sunny in a rich man’s world and there is no crime if we have some good money to live comfortable lives. It is an honour to have the money expert @sola_adesakin teach us about financial literacy and how we can be more financially empowered. We also figured that, some wealth thrives on investment and some of the businesses that guarantee long-term wealth are real estate, technology tools and Agriculture etc. because Man must chop. So we will take you from Sola Adesakin’s wealth codes to learning about Agricultural enterprise as we engage the CEO of @titansfarms Mr. Gbenga Eyiolawi.

Honestly, you will love this next session. If you ever want to gain insight about self-revamping, or how you can divorce fear and doubts to live your best life, we are blessed to have one of Nigeria’s finest speakers @precious_eniayekan in this year’s edition and she will merge her thoughts of personal/digital branding, with self-sabotage, imposter syndrome and fear so that we can live our best lives going forward. Finally, the beautiful and soft spoken execution queen @imade_osuobeni will take us on a six-digit route on how to execute and bring to life the things we already know so that we can become more productive, progressive and fruitful.

We have written this to remind you, that on Saturday, the 28th of August 2021 from 11am-7pm, passions will be ignited, lives will be transformed, ideas will find expressions and destinies will be birthed.

Don’t miss this and don’t be told. Click here to Register now on

Overview: Standout Enterprise Festival and Leadership summit is an annual event initiated, hosted and convened by Ms. Pat Obilor, one of Nigeria’s most respected media personality, broadcaster and digital strategist. Pat launched her TV show and social digital platform in 2011 and since then she has continued to impact lives with her various initiatives. From the standout brand, she’s birthed The Standout Tribe, Standout Enterprise Festival/Summit and the Standout Afroglobal giants and Enterprise awards – SAGE etc.

For more information about the youth/leadership summit, and to be a delegate at this year’s edition, please follow/DM us on Instagram @thestandouttribe email us on Standout With Pat … Celebrating people, Uplifting Brands! C. 2021 All Rights Reserved!

#celebratingyou #thestandoutplatform #standoutwithpat #impactinglives #thestandouttribe #standoutsummit2021 #pushuntilsuccesshappens #standoutenterprisefestival2021


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