Bode George to Oyinlola: You are rude, by God’s Grace, I made you Osun governor


I read today the untidy, uncharitable and irritable vituperations of Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola against my good self. I was rather astonished at the level of uninformed, reckless, misleading verbiage against me.

Prince Oyinlola was very junior to me in the military. I am very senior to him in age. It was my humble self and the late Chief S.M. Afolabi who introduced him to our former President and my Egbon, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo.

It was through me and the grace of God Almighty that he was elected Governor of Osun State. Oyinlola should not dabble into issues he does not know anything about at all. I have served several Generals with hundred per cent loyalty. I have no grudge against our former President. I have a lot of respect for him. I greet him wherever we meet with deep respect and reverence as a well-born Yoruba man.

Oyinlola, please don’t start to open any can of worms that you do not know where it will widen and spill over.

Ti won ba ran ni ise eru, afi ti omo je.
When one is sent a slave’s errand, you should behave like a true, well born.

*Chief Olabode Ibiyinka George
(CON) Atona Odua of Yorubaland.


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