NCC: Nigeria has 285m connected GSM lines


There are currently 285, 235, 850 connected Global System for Mobile (GSM) lines in Nigeria by the end of June 30, 2020.


This is based on the latest statistics released by telecommunications regulator, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC).

This figure, according to the NCC, is lower than the figures obtained in the month of May. For instance, the commission recorded 286, 609, 803 connected GSM lines by May ending, 2020.


But out of the 285, 235, 850 connected GSM lines for the month of June, only 196, 039, 869 GSM lines are active, an increment over the 191, 934, 138 active GSM lines recorded for the month of May, 2020.

Besides the 196, 039, 869 active GSM lines for the month of June, there are 107,122 active Fixed Wired/Wireless lines, 232, 551 active Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP), making a total of 196, 379, 542 active lines, which is higher than the 192, 267, 890 total active lines recorded by NCC  for the month of May, 2020.


Also for the month of June, the NCC recorded 216,001 connected Fixed Wired/Wireless, 1,033, 240 connected VoIP lines, making a total of 286, 485, 091 connected lines in Nigeria. The commission also put total teledensity in Nigeria at 102.88.


The NCC is the independent National Regulatory Authority for the telecommunications industry in Nigeria responsible for creating an enabling environment for competition among operators in the industry as well as ensuring the provision of qualitative and efficient telecommunications services throughout the country.


Over the years, NCC has earned a reputation as a foremost Telecom regulatory agency in Africa.
The Commission is hoping to catalyze the use of ICT’S for different aspect of national development.


The Commission has initiated several programmes such as State Accelerated Broadband Initiative (SABI) and Wire Nigeria Project (WIN) to help stimulate demand and accelerate the uptake of ICT tools and services necessary for the enthronement of a knowledge society in Nigeria.


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