Female journalist butchered by man she visited for interview


Swedish journalist, Kim Wall, who vanished in August, has been found to have been butchered by the Danish inventor she went to interview.

Danish police said Saturday divers had found the decapitated head and two legs and suspected she was killed while aboard the inventor’s homemade submarine.

Copenhagen Police Inspector Jens Moller Jensen told reporters divers had found bags containing her missing clothes, her head and two legs in Koge Bay, south of the Danish capital.

“Last night our forensic dentist confirmed that it was Kim Wall’s head,” Jensen said.

Her headless torso was found floating in waters off Copenhagen on August 21, 11 days after she went missing.

Self-taught engineer and inventor Peter Madsen, 46, has been accused of Wall’s death, with prosecutors saying he dismembered her body before throwing it overboard.

Madsen, who is married and has been in custody since August 11, claims Wall, who is 30 years old, died when a 70kg (154-pound) hatch door fell on her head, and in a panic, he threw her body overboard.

He insisted her body was intact at the time.

Lat week, Prosecutor Jakob Buch-Jepsen told a court custody hearing that a hard disk found in Madsen’s workshop contained fetish films in which real women were tortured, decapitated and burned.

“This hard drive doesn’t belong to me,” Madsen insisted, saying numerous people had access to his workshop.

Wall, born on March 23, 1987 in Trelleborg, Sweden, attended London School of Economics and Political Science and Columbia University in the United States.

As a freelance journalist, she wrote for publications such as New York Times, London Guardian and the Harper’s.


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