Canada Announces Plans To Welcome One Million New Permanent Residents


The Canadian Parliament has announced plans to add more than one million new permanent residents in the next three years. That’s nearly one percent of the country’s population each year.

Canada welcomed more than 286,000 permanent residents in 2017 and projects that number could reach 350,000 this year. And 360,000 in 2020. And 370,000 in 2021. “Thanks in great part to the newcomers we have welcomed throughout our history, Canada has developed into the strong and vibrant country we all enjoy,” said Ahmed Hussen, Canada’s ministerof Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (IRCC).

Hussen, himself an immigrant from Somalia, said the influx will help offset Canada’s aging population and declining birth rate while growing its labor force. Canada’s friendly stance towards new residents comes as many other Western nations, including the United States, are adopting more restrictive immigration policies.


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